Fluid Components International ST98 HART Option User Manual
St98 hart option, Installation and operation guide, Step 1. installation

ST98 HART Option
Installation and Operation Guide
This manual is used to augment other instrument manuals when the HART option is used. NOTE: ST98 HART supports “Normal
Mode” and it does not support “Burst Mode”.
Step 1.
Use the following steps to install the HART option for the ST98:
1. All the FCI transmitters that incorporate the HART protocol are set at the factory to polling address “0”. Users should reset the
polling address to match the needs of their network.
2. At polling address “0”, the ST98 outputs a current of 4 - 20mA; at any other polling address, the ST98 outputs a fixed 4mA
current; in compliance with the HART standard. A digital signal is provided with all polling addresses.
3. If the ST98 is going to be used as a HART network transmitter, the polling address needs to be changed to other than “0”.
4. All the FCI transmitters that incorporate the HART protocol are configured by the factory as a current source; and JP1 through JP3
are set for “Internal Power” by the factory.
5. When the ST98 is connected in a HART Network a recommendation is the instrument be configured for an external current source
by resetting JP1, JP2, and JP3 on the Input/Output Board, and the polling address must be changed to other than “0”. The power
supply feeding the network must provide sufficient current to support the instruments in the network.
Output Current Jumper Settings
External Power
Internal Power
ST98 Input/Output Board
Internal Power setting shown
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