A typical picket fence code 39 would be as follows – Datamax-O'Neil S-Class DTPL Programmer’s Manual User Manual

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DTPL Programmer’s Manual


A typical ladder orientation bar code with interpretation and a default width of 4 would be sent as follows.


An expanded (doubled) version of the above bar code would be as follows:


A 3:1 ratio of the above expanded (doubled) version would be as follows:



EAN13 is a numeric only bar code. All EAN13 codes must contain a variable parity bit followed by a front guard
character (J), 6 left-hand characters, a center pattern (K), 6 right-hand characters and an ending guard pattern (L).
The first (parity) bit determines the parity of the left-hand characters. The last bit in the right-hand side is the
check-digit. The firmware automatically recalculates this value after transmission. The letter E is used to select
EAN13 bar code.

A typical EAN13 ladder bar code sequence would look like the following:


The above command line would generate a 5 unit wide bar code starting on row 0,column 70. The BI command
causes the interpretation to be printed with the bar code.

A typical expanded EAN13 picket fence bar code with no interpretation would be as follows:



Code 39 is an alphanumeric bar code. All code 39 data must be bracketed by an asterisk (*) on both sides. The
letter N is used to select three of nine bar code. Note: this bar code can be printed in either a 2:1 or 3:1 wide to
narrow ratio. The following are 2:1 ratio commands (the default value).

A typical ladder code 39 bar code would be sent as follows:


This would result in a 3 unit wide bar code starting on row 0, column 70. No interpretation is printed.

A typical picket fence code 39 would be as follows:


This code starts at row 0, column 10. The interpretation is included.

To print the above bar code in a 3:1 ratio you would send the following:
