Delta Controls DPR-2000 User Manual
Page 29
27 IOM-DPCDPR-A: FEB 2014 Setting up a local LCD display
There 3 main displays are visible
– the current or guidance percent preset range display. In accordance with display configuration the
current value in 4 -20 mA current loop, or percent guidance preset range is possible to display.
– the measured pressure digital value display; the calibrated pressure value according to user’s
units display; the process variable units or user’s units display; the
announcement and other
information or warning announcement display. In the case the digital pressure value or the calibrated
value display, the sign „–„ can be visible before displayed value. The decimal point position is
possible to set in local MENU or remotely.
The pressure unit or user’s unit can be displayed.
transmitter makes possible rescale on the user's individual the pressure value. To make this is necessary
with using communicator or PC software write the corresponding to beginning and to end values of setting
range as well as write the own unit name. After activating user's mode the rescale value will be visible on
– information display. During normal operation is designed for continuous display of the base unit or
the user units. In case of errors in the transmitter's work , it displays an error number. In manual mode, the
local change settings menu displays options of selecting the setting. It also displays errors related to the
implementation of commands in the local menu of the settings change.
Display backlighting - Local display is equipped in backlight, switching on and switching off with jumper
on electronic board. How to handle display backlight is shown in Figure 4a. Figure 4 shows how to change
the display position by rotation.
Exceeding the basic transmitter measuring range over 50% range in the up or down is indicated
by " o V E r " or " u n d E r " in the display LCD2. Such situation is encountered most often when
overloaded a difference pressure transmitter, created when the large static pressure compared
to the pressure range will blockage or a leak in one of the capillaries.
After configuration it is important to protect the transducers using command HART [247].
During work transmitter should be safe prior to entries. This prevents accidental or intentional
changes configurational data. The protection function
is accessible in KAP03 communicator, “D-
's” software, as well as, in applying DD or DMT programs libraries.