Communication Concepts EB104 Engineering Bulletin User Manual
Archive informa tion archive informa tion, Get 600 watts rf from four power fets, Semiconductor

RF Application Reports
Prepared by: Helge Granberg
Circuits Engineer, SSB
This unique push-pull/parallel circuit produces a power
output of four devices without the added loss and cost of
power splitters and combiners. Motorola MRF150 RF power
FET makes it possible to parallel two or more devices at
relatively high power levels. This technique is considered
impractical for bipolar transistors due to their low input
impedance. In a common-source amplifier configuration, a
power FET has approximately five to ten times higher input
impedance than a comparable bipolar transistor in a common
emitter circuit. The output impedance in both cases is
determined by the dc supply voltage and power level. The
limit to the number of FETs that can be paralleled is dictated
by physical, rather than electrical restrictions, where the
mutual inductance between the drains is the most critical
aspect, limiting the upper frequency range of operation. The
magnitude of these losses is relative to the impedance levels
involved, and becomes more serious at lower supply
voltages and higher power levels. Since the minimum
mounting distance of the transistors is limited by the package
size, the only real improvement would be a multiple die
package. For higher frequency circuits, these mutual
inductances could be used as a part of the matching network,
but it would seriously limit the bandwidth of the amplifier. This
technique is popular with many VHF bipolar designs.
In paralleling power FETs another important aspect must
be considered: If the unity gain frequency (f
) of the device
is sufficiently high, an oscillator will be created, where the
paralleling inductances together with the gate and drain
capacitances will form resonant circuits. The feedback is
obtained through the drain to gate capacitance (C
), which
will result in 360
phase shift usually somewhere higher than
the amplifier bandwidth. Thus, the oscillations may not be
directly noticed in the amplifier output, but may have high
amplitudes at the drains. This can be cured by isolating the
paralleling inductance, which consists of the dc blocking
capacitors (C7 – C10, Figure 2) and their wiring inductance
from the gates. Low value noninductive resistors which do
not appreciably affect the system gain can be used for this
Figure 2 shows a detailed schematic of the 600 W RF
FET amplifier. It can be operated from supply voltages of
40 to 50 depending on linearity requirements. The bias for
each device is independently adjustable, therefore no
matching is required for the gate threshold voltages. Since
the power gain of a MOSFET is largely dependent on the
drain bias current, only g
matching is required, and it can
be only
Figure 1. Photograph of the 600 Watt 2.0 – 30 MHz
MOSFET Linear Amplifier
The circuit board was designed to allow several different
gate biasing configurations (Figure 3). In circuit “a”, which
is used in the amplifier described here, D1 serves a purpose
of preventing positive voltage from getting fed back to the
bias source in case of a draingate short in a FET. This
protects the other three devices from gate overvoltage. C1
– R2 combination establishes an RF shunt from the gate
to ground, which is necessary for stabilization. R4 could also
be used for this purpose, but it would have to be a relatively
low value, resulting in unnecessary high current drain from
the bias supply. Normally R4 is only a dc return to ground,
which is required with D1 preventing an open circuit in one
direction. R3 is a low value resistor to prevent parasitic
oscillations in a parallel FET circuit, as discussed earlier.
Variations “b” and “c” are basically the same, except for R2,
which can be used to control the amount of RF rectified by
D1. In addition to blocking the dc in one direction, D1 can
be used for proportional biasing, in which the bias voltage
increases with RF drive. This allows the initial idle current
to be set to a lower than normal value, increasing the system
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Motorola, Inc. 1993