I2 data analysis software, Connecting the dash logger to a pc – MoTeC CDL3 User Manual

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Updating CDL3 Dash Manager Software

Software updates are available free of charge, giving access to the latest
features. Download the latest software version from the website and follow the
software installation instructions to update to the new version.
To update the associated firmware in the device, select Upgrade Dash

from the Online menu. See Configuration Versions and Updating.

i2 Data Analysis Software

MoTeC's i2 data analysis software is used to analyse the logged data that has
been recorded by the Dash Logger. Any number and combination of graphs,
gauges and reports can be analysed simultaneously. The i2 environment can
be customised to specific user requirements.
i2 Standard

is included with any Data Logging upgrade.

Connecting the Dash Logger to a PC

The Dash Logger connects to the Ethernet port on the PC. This requires a
connector for the standard Ethernet cable in the loom.
The CDL3 loom #62203 incorporates this connector. Alternatively the
connector can be wired into an existing loom using the unterminated Ethernet
cable (#61131).
All options are used in conjunction with a standard Ethernet cable.
Connection details are described in PC Connection

PC Communications Setup

To enable PC communications, a connection must be setup in the Dash
Manager software to match the Dash Logger serial number.

• On



menu click Connection Settings and then click Add

• Click OK to choose IP (Ethernet). This is the only available connection


• Click



• In the list with discovered devices, click the required Dash Logger and

click Select

If the PC needs to communicate with more than one Dash Logger, repeat the

* The connection uses IPV6, which can be affected by firewall and anti
virus applications.

If you have a Dash Logger connected but it is not listed in Discovered
Devices, try disabling or uninstalling all anti-virus software.