MoTeC ADL EDL User Manual

Page 37

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Dash Manager Software


To check the version of Dash Manager select Help | About MoTeC Dash
from the main menu.

Configuration File Version

After the ADL version has been upgraded the configuration file in the ADL
must also be updated to match the new version. The display will show a
warning until a new configuration has been sent to the ADL.

From Dash Manager version 3.0 onwards, there is an option to automatically
upgrade the configuration file in the ADL when performing an upgrade.

This eliminates the necessity to manually upgrade the file (see Converting
Older Version Files) and then sending it.

Converting Older Version Configuration Files

An older version configuration file can be converted to the latest version by
selecting the appropriate version in the ‘File of type’ entry box on the File
Open screen. When the file is opened the file is converted to the new version
format and saved with the same file name but with the new version file
extension. The old file is not changed.