MoTeC ADL EDL User Manual
Page 13

Logging Rates
The logging rate may be set between 100 and 1000 times per second and is
the same for all logged items.
Trigger Conditions
Burst logging is triggered when a defined condition becomes true.
Note that the normal Start and Stop Logging conditions do not affect burst
Trigger Position
Burst logging can capture data before and/or after the burst start condition
becomes true (trigger event). This is because the burst logging data is stored
continuously, overwriting the oldest data as necessary. When the trigger
event occurs, a proportion of the old data (before the trigger event) is kept
and the rest of the memory is filled with new data (after the trigger event).
Events and Memory
Up to 8 events can be captured for each of the two burst systems. Each burst
event occupies 64 kbytes of memory (1/16
of a Mbyte).
The number of events may be set by the user. Note that this will affect the
amount of memory available for normal logging.
Logging Time
Since each burst event is fixed at 64 kbytes of memory, the burst logging time
is dependent on how many items are logged and how fast they are logged.
The burst logging time is reported by the configuration software.
For example 8 items logged at 500 times per second will last 8.2 seconds.
Retrieving the Logged Data
A personal computer is used to unload the logged data from the ADL. The
logged data is then stored on the computer hard disk.
The logged data may be retrieved at very high speed (approximately 20
seconds per Mbyte).
After each unload the user has the option to clear the logging memory.
The unload may be interrupted part way through if necessary by
disconnecting the computer. The partial unload will contain the most recently