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C. Overload Indicator (OL) – When the motor is loaded to the current limit setpoint (CL set-
point is established by the setting of jumper J1 and the CL trimpot) this lamp will glow
RED. If the OL indicator remains lighted during control operation, a fault condition may
exist. Possible causes for this condition are as follows:
1. Motor is overloaded - check motor amps with DC ammeter in series with armature.
2. Motor may be defective - check motor for shorts or grounds.
3. The CL may be set too low - check position of jumper J1 and CL trimpot.
Note: In some applications, especially those requiring the motor to cycle on
and off or from one speed to another, the OL indicator may blink indicating a
transient overload. This is a normal condition for the application.