B&K Precision 9116 - Programming Manual User Manual
Page 22

Parameter: Parameter1 represents the number of step to be edited.Parameter2 is the current
Query syntax: SEQuence:CURRent?
Return parameter: MIN~MAX
This command is used to edit the width of specified step of the sequence file .
Command syntax: SEQuence:WIDTh
Parameter: Parameter1 represents the number of steps to be edited.Parameter2 is the time
width (0.001~65.535).
Unit: s
Query syntax: SEQuence: WIDTh?
Return parameter: 0.001~65.535
This command is used to edit the slope of a specified step of the sequence file
Command syntax:SEQuence:SLOPe
parameter: Parameter1 represents the number of steps to be edited.Parameter2 is the
unit: s
Query syntax: SEQuence:SLOPe?
Return parameter: 0.001~65.535
This command is used to save the sequence file.
Command syntax: SEQuence:SAVe