B&K Precision 9116 - Programming Manual User Manual
Page 19

Command syntax: FETCh:VOLTage?
Return parameter:
Return parameter unit: V
This command is used to read the actual current.
Command syntax: MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?
Parameter: None
Return parameter:
Return parameter unit: A
example: MEAS:CURR?
This command is used to read the current which is in the sample cache. After sending the
command, the readings will be sent to the computer. This command does not affect the
instrument settings. This command does not trigger a measurement operation, and queries
only the latest available reading. Before reading the new reading, the command returns the old
Command syntax: FETCh:CURRent?
Return parameter:
This command is used to enquire the actual output power.
Command syntax: MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer[:DC]?
Parameter: None
Return parameter:
Return parameter unit: W
Example: MEAS:POWer?
This command is used to read the power which is in the sample cache. After sending the
command, the readings will be sent to the computer. This command does not affect the
instrument settings. This command does not trigger a measurement operation, and queries
only the latest available reading. Before reading the new reading, the command returns the old
Command syntax: FETCh:POWer?
Return parameter: