6 measurement commands, Measurement commands – B&K Precision 9116 - Programming Manual User Manual
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This command is used to set the lower limitation of the output voltage.
Command syntax: [SOURce:]VOLTage:LIMit[:LEVel]
Unit: V| mV| uV
Query syntax: [SOURce:]VOLTage:LIMit[:LEVel]?
Return parameter:
This command is used to set the upper limitation of the output voltage.
Command syntax: [SOURce:]VOLTage:RANGe
Unit: V |mV |uV
Query syntax: [SOURce:]VOLTage:RANGe?
Return parameter:
[SOURce:]APPLy {
This command combines two commands in one: VOLTage, CURRent. As long as the setting
value is within the range of max current and max voltage, then the output voltage and current
will execute according to the present setting value. APPLy command will only be effective when
the setting values are within the range of the upper limits. If not, an execution error will occur.
MIN and MAX can also be used as parameters. Min will enable the output voltage and current
to be 0. Max will enable the output voltage and current to be the upper limit value.
Command syntax: [SOURce:]APPLy
Parameter: MIN~MAX
Unit: V, A
Query syntax: [SOURce:]APPLy?
Return parameter:
2.6 MEASUREMENT Commands
This command is used to query the actual output voltage.
Command syntax: MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?
Parameter: None
Return parameter:
Return parameter unit: V
Example: MEAS:VOLT?
This command is used to read the voltage to be handled in the sample cache. After sending the
command, the readings will be sent to the computer. This command does not affect the
instrument settings. This command does not trigger a measurement operation, and queries
only the latest available reading. Before reading the new reading, the command returns old