B&K Precision 9116 - Programming Manual User Manual
Page 14
Command syntax: SYSTem:RWLock
Parameter: None
This command configures the power on state of the instrument.
Command syntax: SYSTem:POSetup RST|SAV0
Parameter: RST|SAV0
Returned parameter: None
Query syntax: SYSTem:POSetup?
Command syntax: SYSTem:POSetup?
Parameter: None
Returned parameter: RST|SAV0
This command is used to clear the error codes and information.
Command syntax: SYSTem:CLEar
Parameter: None
Returned parameter: None
This command is used to enable or disable the beeper.
Command syntax: SYSTem:BEEPer
Command syntax: SYSTem:BEEPer
Parameters: 0|1|ON|OFF
Query syntax: SYSTem:BEEPer?
Returned value 0 corresponds to the off state of beeper.
Returned value 1 corresponding to the on state of beeper.
Return parameters:0|1
This command is used to set the GPIB address.
Command syntax:SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:RDEVice:ADDRess
Paramters: 0-31
inquiry syntax: SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:RDEVice:ADDRess?
Return parameters:
This command is used to select the communication interfaces.
Command syntax:SYSTem:INTerface