Atec Tektronix-AWG5012 User Manual

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Arbitrary Waveform Generator

AWG5000 Series (AWG5014 • AWG5012 • AWG5004 • AWG5002)

AWG5000 Series •


Wireless I/Q and IF Signal

Tektronix AWGs support “Wireless
Everywhere” by enabling the latest
Digital RF technology, increasing wire-
less network capacity and delivering
the performance that supports higher
modulation bandwidth and modulation

The AWG 5000 Series’ 1.2 GS/s,
(600 MS/s), with enough signal
dynamic range and SFDR via 14 bit
vertical resolution meets narrowband IQ
applications to broadband IF applica-
tions. The AWG5000 is able to
generate not only analog IQ/IF signals,
but digital data IQ/IF. The MIMO
(Multiple Input Multiple Output) system
that supports W-LAN /Wi-Max using
space-multiplex with multiple antennas
is a leading edge technology for reliable
and faster data rate communication.
The AWG5000 Series generates up to
four analog channels (eight channels via
two instruments) to simultaneously
generate MIMO signals. The series can
generate two pairs of IQ signals (four
pairs with two instruments) as an IQ
generator, and four pairs of IF signals
(eight pairs with two instruments) as an
IF generator. With the two channels
models, ch 1 and ch 2 digital data
output is available as an option.

EVM/Constellation measurement.

Typical Signal Injection.