Digital phosphor oscilloscopes – Atec Tektronix-DPO4104 User Manual
Page 8
Oscilloscope •
Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
DPO4000 Series
Trigger System
Main Trigger Modes – Auto, Normal and Single.
Trigger Coupling – DC, HF reject (attenuates
>50 kHz), LF reject (attenuates <50 kHz), noise
reject (reduces sensitivity).
Trigger Holdoff Range – 2 ns to 8 s.
Internal DC Coupled – 0.35 div DC to 50 MHz
increasing to 1 div at rated bandwidth.
External (auxiliary input) –
200 mV from DC to 50 MHz increasing to 500 mV
at 300 MHz.
Trigger Level Range
Any Channel – ±8 divisions from center of screen.
External (auxiliary input) – ±8 V.
Acquisition Modes
Sample – Acquire sampled values.
Peak Detect – Captures narrow glitches at all real-
time sampling rates.
Averaging – From 2 to 128 waveforms included
in average.
Envelope – Min-max envelope reflecting Peak
Detect data over multiple acquisitions.
Hi-Res – Real-time boxcar averaging reduces
random noise and increases resolution.
Roll – Scrolls waveforms right to left across screen
at sweep speeds slower than or equal to 40 ms/div.
Trigger Modes
Edge – Positive or negative slope on any channel or
front panel auxiliary input. Coupling includes DC, HF
reject, LF reject and noise reject.
Pulse Width – Trigger on width of positive or nega-
tive pulse that are >, <, = or ≠ a specified period
of time.
Runt – Trigger on a pulse that crosses one
threshold but fails to cross a second threshold
before crossing the first again.
Logic – Trigger when any logical pattern of channels
goes false or stays true for specified period of time.
Any input can be used as a clock to look for the
pattern on a clock edge. Pattern (AND, OR, NAND,
NOR) specified for four input channels defined as
High, Low or Don’t Care.
Setup and Hold – Trigger on violations of both
setup time and hold time between clock and data
present on any two input channels.
Rise/Fall Time – Trigger on pulse edge rates that
are faster or slower than specified. Slope may be
positive, negative or either.
Video – Trigger on all lines, odd, even or all fields on
NTSC, PAL and SECAM video signals.
C (Optional) – Trigger on Start, Repeated Start,
Stop, Missing ACK, Address (7 or 10 bit), Data or
Address and Data on I
C buses up to 3.4 Mb/s.
SPI (Optional) – Trigger on SS, MOSI, MISO or
MOSI and MISO on SPI buses up to 10.0 Mb/s (4
channel models only).
CAN (Optional) – Trigger on Start of Frame, Frame
Type (data, remote, error, overload), Identifier (stan-
dard or extended), Data, Identifier and Data, End of
Frame or Missing ACK on CAN signals up to 1 Mb/s.
Data can be further specified to trigger on ≤, <, =,
>, ≥ or ≠ a specific data value. User adjustable
sample point is set to 80% by default.
Trigger Delay by Time – 2 ns to 8 s.
Trigger Delay by Events – 1 to 9,999,999 events.
Waveform Measurements
Cursors – Waveform and Screen.
Automatic Measurements – 25, of which up to 4
can be displayed on screen at any one time.
Measurements include Period, Frequency, Delay,
Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative
Duty Cycle, Positive Pulse Width, Negative Pulse
Width, Burst Width, Phase, Positive Overshoot,
Negative Overshoot, Peak to Peak, Amplitude, High,
Low, Max, Min, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle
RMS, Area and Cycle Area.
Measurement Statistics – Mean, Min, Max,
Standard Deviation.
Reference Levels – User definable reference levels
for automatic measurements can be specified in
either percent or units.
Gating – Isolate the specific occurrence within an
acquisition to take measurements on, using either
the screen or waveform cursors.
Waveform Math
Arithmetic – Add, subtract, multiply and
divide waveforms.
Math Functions – Integrate, Differentiate, FFT.
FFT – Spectral magnitude. Set FFT Vertical Scale
to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT Window to
Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning or Blackman-Harris.
Advanced Math – Define extensive algebraic
expressions including waveforms, math functions,
scalars, up to two user-adjustable variables, and
results of parametric measurements e.g. (Intg(Ch1-
Mean(Ch1)) x 1.414 x VAR1).
National Instruments SignalExpress Tektronix
Edition – A fully interactive measurement software
environment optimized for the DPO4000 Series
enables you to instantly acquire, generate, analyze,
compare, import and save measurement data and
signals using an intuitive drag-and-drop user inter-
face that does not require any programming.
Standard DPO4000 Series support for acquiring,
controlling, viewing and exporting your live signal
data is permanently available through the software.
Additional signal processing, advanced analysis,
mixed signal, sweeping, limit testing and user-defined
step capabilities are available for a 30-day trial period
and can be activated at any time for a minimal
license fee by contacting National Instruments.
Desktop – Enables fast and easy
communication between a Windows PC and the
DPO4000 Series via USB or LAN. Transfer and
save settings, waveforms, measurements and
screen images.
IVI Driver – Provides a standard instrument
programming interface for common applications
such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, Microsoft .NET