Atec Tektronix-DPO4104 User Manual

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Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes

DPO4000 Series


Series redefines expectations for working

with long record lengths with the following

innovative new Wave Inspector controls

(above and center):

Zoom/Pan – A dedicated, two-tier front-

panel knob provides intuitive control of

both zooming and panning. The inner

knob adjusts the zoom factor (or zoom

scale); turning it clockwise activates zoom

and goes to progressively higher zoom

factors, while turning it counter-clockwise

results in lower zoom factors and eventually

turning zoom off. The outer knob pans

the zoom box across the waveform to

quickly get to the portion of the waveform

you are interested in. The outer knob also

utilizes force-feedback to determine how

fast to pan on the waveform. The farther

you turn the outer knob, the faster the

zoom box moves. Pan direction is changed

by simply turning the knob the other way.

No longer do you need to navigate through

multiple menus to adjust your zoom view.

Play/Pause – A dedicated play/pause

button on the front panel scrolls the

waveform across the display automatically

while you look for anomalies or an event

of interest. Playback speed and direction

are controlled using the intuitive pan

knob. Once again, turning the knob

further makes the waveform scroll faster

and changing direction is as simple as

turning the knob the other way.

User Marks – See something interesting

on your waveform? Press the Set Mark

button on the front panel to leave one

or more “bookmarks” on the waveform.

Navigating between marks is as simple as

pressing the Previous and Next buttons

on the front panel.

Search Marks – Don’t want to take the

time to inspect the entire acquisition to

find the event you’re looking for? The

DPO4000 Series features a robust wave-

form search feature that allows you to

search through your long acquisition based

on user-defined criteria. All occurrences

of the event are highlighted with search

marks and are easily navigated to, using

the front panel Previous and Next buttons.

Search types include edge, pulse width,

runt, logic, setup and hold, rise/fall time

and I


C, SPI and CAN packet content.

Oscilloscope •

Wave Inspector Controls provide unprece-
dented efficiency in viewing, navigating
and analyzing waveform data.

Setup and Hold search highlighting numerous setup and hold violations in a single acquisition.