Variety of applications, High-quality shielding, Frequency and phase modulation – Atec Rohde-Schwarz-SMP Series User Manual

Page 4: Pulse modulation

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Microwave Signal Generator SMP

The SMP is setting standards with a reso-

lution of 0.1 Hz throughout its frequency

range, and even above 20 GHz.

Variety of applications

The SMP is ideal for the following appli-


Substitution of local oscillators

Measurements on nonlinear compo-

nents such as frequency multipliers or

high-level mixers

Driving of TWTs and other power


Interconnection of several signal gen-

erators for intermodulation measure-


Tracking generator for spectrum and

network analyzers

High-quality shielding

Sensitivity measurements on low-noise

satellite receivers can only be made with

absolutely RF-leakage-proof signal


The comprehensive shielding of the SMP

ensures extremely low RF leakage.

Frequency and phase modulation

The SMP is fitted as standard with a

broadband FM modulator covering a

modulation frequency range up to 5 MHz

for deviations up to 10 MHz (20 MHz

above 20 GHz).

In addition, a precision FM/

ϕM modula-

tor (option SM-B5) with a modulation fre-

quency range of up to 1 MHz and maxi-

mum deviation of up to 1 MHz (2 MHz for

f >20 GHz) is available for testing commu-

nication receivers and for scientific appli-


FSK modulation

Thanks to a special frequency control cir-

cuit, the precision FM/

ϕM modulator fea-

tures an extremely high carrier frequency

accuracy and stability in the FM DC

mode. Digital frequency shift keying (FSK

modulation) is also possible. A deviation

of up to 1 MHz (2 MHz above 20 GHz) can

be selected.


ϕM modulation range

The wide frequency range of the phase

modulation extending from DC to 100 kHz

allows testing of phase-sensitive circuits.

SMP for use as a VCO

In DC-coupled FM or

ϕM mode, the SMP

can also be used as a voltage-controlled

oscillator (VCO) and integrated into an

external frequency control loop. The RF

control output fitted on the rear panel is

very useful for this application.

The RF control output provides signals in

the frequency range 2 GHz to 20 GHz and

can for example be used for monitoring

the output frequency with the aid of a

frequency counter (FIG 3).

Pulse modulation

Ideal for radar receivers

All data specified for pulse modulation,

which is frequently used in the develop-

ment, production and maintenance of

radar receivers is valid throughout the

rated frequency range and also at the

important intermediate frequencies of

70 MHz and 140 MHz. The on/off ratio is

better than 80 dB, the rise/fall time

shorter than 10 ns. Pulse widths of less

than 20 ns are possible (FIG 4).

Optional pulse generator

In addition to feeding in external modula-

tion signals, the pulse generator (option

SMP-B14) can also be used to generate



2 GHz to 10 GHz


10 GHz to 20 GHz




SMP 03/SMP 04


6 GHz

2 GHz to 20 GHz

20 GHz to 40 GHz

10 M Hz to 2 GHz


2 GHz to 20 GHz
(RF control output)

EXT1 or EXT2


FMDC non-synchronized




Frequency divider/
phase comparator/
control amplifier


FIG 4: Pulse modulator,
universally used in
microwave applications
such as radar;
(1) shortest pulse dura-
tion 20 ns,
(2) 3 ns typ. rise/fall
time, more than 80 dB
on/off ratio



90 %

10 %

50 %
