Atec JDSU-ANT-5 User Manual
Ant-5 sdh access tester up to stm-16

800 498-JDSU (5378)
+800 5378-JDSU
SDH Access Tester up to STM-16
Key Features
The access network explosion
The modern communications market is challenging network operators in new
ways. Because growth from traditional voice services has declined, operators must
find new ways to carry more data traffic in order to maintain their revenue
stream. However, bandwidth bottlenecks in the access and metro networks have
prevented many new high-speed, high-bandwidth services from being efficiently
Field technicians, who are tasked with installing and maintaining these networks,
must learn how to test a wide variety of technologies while they strive to reach
new levels of productivity. To perform these tasks, technicians require an
increased number of pieces of equipment and additional training to operate each
device effectively.
Additionally, operators must be able to manage the conflicting demands of
technicians, who need the proper equipment and training to do their jobs, and
executives, who are keeping close control on capital expenses and operating costs.
The ANT-5 rises to the challenge
JDSU effectively meets the challenges faced by network operators with the JDSU
ANT-5 SDH Access Tester. Designed for field operations, the small, rugged,
battery-operated ANT-5 streamlines installation and maintenance testing. Its
advanced features and automated functions enable technicians to perform tests
quickly and effectively. And, with SDH, PDH, SONET, and ATM combined into
a single compact unit, capital investment and training expenses are reduced,
minimizing business costs.
• Smallest and lightest test solution (only 2.2 kg) for interfaces from
1.544 Mbps up to 2.5 Gbps
• Optical testing at dual wavelengths from STM-1/OC-3 up to
• Electrical testing at DS1, E1, E3, DS3, E4, STM-0, and STM-1/OC-3
• Full analysis of concatenated mappings with SDH/SONET signals
• In-depth PDH analysis with Sa bit generation and flexible mux/
demux test configuration
• Optical power measurements for verification of physical layer
• ATM functionality for service verification of ATM, 3G, and UMTS
networks (provided via T-carrier, PDH, SDH, or SONET)
• In-line Monitor and Instrusive Thru Modes for traffic analysis and
network testing
• ECL/NRZ port enables non-intrusive direct monitoring of optical