Atec Agilent-E8247C_57C User Manual
Data sheet

Agilent E8247C/57C
PSG CW and Analog
Signal Generators
Data Sheet
All specifications and characteristics apply over a 0 to 55 °C range
(unless otherwise stated) and apply after a 45 minute warm-up time.
Supplemental characteristics, denoted as typical or nominal, provide
additional (non-warranted) information.
Specifications (spec): represent warranted performance.
Typical (typ): performance is not warranted. It applies at 25 °C. A minimum of 80% of all
products meet typical performance.
Nominal (nom): values are not warranted. They represent the value of a parameter that is most likely
to occur; the expected or mean value. They are included to facilitate the application of the product.
Standard (std): No options are included when referring to the signal generator unless noted otherwise.
PSG Signal Generators
Option 520
Option 540
250 kHz to 20 GHz
250 kHz to 40 GHz
CW only
(See E8267C data sheet for PSG vector signal
generator specifications)
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