Power meter specifications continued – Atec Anritsu-MA2445A User Manual
Page 6
ML2430A Series
ML2480A Series
ML2490A Series
±2 ns for pre and post trigger (Trigger capture time of 3.2 µs or 50 ns)
Trigger delay uncertainty
±15 ns (20 MHz trigger BW)
Trigger latency
Profile mode: 10 ms to 7s
P v T mode: 1m to 24 hrs
3.2 µs to 7s
50 ns to 7s
capture range
200 display points
16 ns or 0.5% of trigger capture time,
whichever is the larger
400 display Points
16 ns or 0.25% of trigger capture time,
whichever is the larger
200 display points
1 ns or 0.5% of trigger capture time,
whichever is the larger
400 display Points
1 ns or 0.25% of trigger capture time,
whichever is the larger
Trigger capture time
settable resolution
On-screen indicator/message
Trigger point depicted by trigger edge waveform. Edge represents trigger point of signal.
Display position of trigger edge waveform adjustable
Trigger point display
System Configuration
10 storage registers
plus RESET default settings
20 settings stores
Preset accessible on Front Panel
Offset tables
Wipes non-volatile memory on power up when active.
Secure mode
Remote monitoring
Modem Compatibility
>600 readings/sec (per input channel)
Emulation of Anritsu ML4803,
Agilent 436, 437 and 438
>400 readings/sec in CW mode.
10 Sweeps/sec in Profile mode
(200 data points/sweep, Binary float
output format, 5 µs Trigger capture time)
>350 readings/sec
(Fast Mode, Gate output, 1 µs gate width)
>400 Readings/second CW Mode [TR3 mode]
>350 Readings/second Pulse/Modulated
Mode (Continuous Sampling) [1 µs pulse,
readout mode, Display turned off, TR3 Mode]
>10 profile transfers/sec Pulse/Modulated Mode
(Profile data) [200 points per sweep, Binary
Float Output, 5 µs Trigger Capture Time]
>20 Readings/sec Pulse/Modulated Mode
(Repetitive Sampling) [50 ns pulse, readout
mode, Display turned off, TR3 Mode]
Back Compatible with ML2480A with
Additional functionality added
(IEEE–488.2, IEC–625)
Supports software download, Instrument
control and modem dial-out.
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600 Baud rates supported
Supports software download and Instrument control
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 Baud rates supported
Operating Modes:
Display voltage reading on selected channel
Voltage proportional to frequency for
sensor calibration factor compensation
Blanking Input -TTL levels only
Selectable positive or negative polarity
Input Range: 0 to 20V
Resolution: 0.5 mV
Control: Adjustable voltage to
frequency relationship
Can be configured for:
Cal factor correction from synthesiser,
Ext Voltage Voltmeter,
Connection:- current probe for PAE applications
Cal Factor Voltage Input
TTL, maximum frequency of 800 kHz
TTL, maximum frequency of 1 MHz
TTL, maximum frequency of 10 MHz
External trigger (BNC)
Two outputs configurable to Log or Lin
Operating Modes:
Selectable channel adjusted for
calibration factors and other power
reading correction settings
Pass/Fail -Selectable TTL High or Low
Channel output -Near real time analog
AC Modulation Output -Output 1 only
Dwell Output -Output 2 only
Output Range: –5.0 to 5.0V
Resolution: 0.1 mV
Output 1 can be configured for:
Analog Output,
Pass/Fail TTL o/p Limits,
Levelling: -Sensor Input A
Output 2 can be configured for:
Analog Output,
Pass/Fail TTL o/p Limits,
Levelling: -Sensor Input B,
Trigger Output
Analogue Output (BNC)
Power Meter Specifications continued