Atec California-Instruments-BPS Series User Manual

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BPS Series - Measurement and Analysis
The BPS Series is much more than a
programmable AC power source. It also
incorporates an advanced digital signal processor
based data acquisition system that continuously
monitors all AC source and load parameters.
This data acquisition system forms the basis for
all measurement and analysis functions. These
functions are accessible from the front panel and
the remote control interface for the BPS Series.

Conventional Measurements
Common AC measurement parameters are
automatically provided by the data acquisition
system. These values are displayed in numeric
form on the front panel LCD display. The
following measurements are available: Frequency,
Vrms, Irms, Ipk, Crest Factor, Real Power (Watts),
Apparent Power (VA) and Power Factor.

Waveform Acquisition
The measurement system is based on real-time
digitization of the voltage and current waveforms
using a 4K deep sample buffer. This time domain
information provides detailed information on
both voltage and current waveshapes. Waveform
acquisitions can be triggered at a specific phase
angle or from a transient program to allow
precise positioning of the captured waveform
with respect to the AC source output.

The front panel LCD displays captured waveforms
with cursor readouts. The included GUI program
also allows acquired waveform data to be
displayed, printed, and saved to disk.

BPS Series

30–180 kVA

Measurement data for single phase (BPS Display).

Measurement data for all three phases (BPS Display).

Acquired Current waveform (BPS Display).

Acquired three phase voltage waveforms display on PC.