Bps series – Atec California-Instruments-BPS Series User Manual
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Transient List Data Entry from the front panel.
Transient List Data Entry in GUI program.
BPS Series
Simple transition from R&D to
The California Instruments Mx and RS Series are
high performance, feature rich Research and
Development solutions. That level of advanced
performance is not always required in production
and lab environments. Since the BPS shares
common code structure and performance
characteristics as the Mx and RS the BPS is ideally
suited to easily transition into cost effective
production solutions.
High Crest Factor
With a crest factor of up to 4.5, the BPS Series
AC source can drive difficult nonlinear loads with
ease. Since many modern products use switching
power supplies, they have a tendency to pull high
repetitive peak currents.
Remote Control
Standard RS232, USB and IEEE 488 (GPIB) along
with optional LAN remote control interfaces allow
programming of all instrument functions from an
external computer. The popular SCPI command
protocol is used for programming.
Application Software
Windows® application software is included.
This software provides easy access to the power
source’s capabilities without the need to develop
any custom code. The following functions are
available through this GUI program:
• Steady state output control (all parameters)
• Create, run, save, reload and print
transient programs
• Measure and log standard measurements
• Capture and display output voltage and
current waveforms.
• Measure standard power measurements..
• Display IEEE-488, RS232C, USB and LAN bus
traffic to and from the AC Source to help you
develop your own test programs.
BPS Series - AC Transient Generation
The BPS Series controller has a powerful AC
transient generation system that allows complex
sequences of voltage and frequency to be
generated. This further enhances the BPS’s
capability to simulate AC line conditions and
disturbances. Transient generation is controlled
independently yet time synchronized on all
three phases. Accurate phase angle control and
synchronized transient list execution provide
unparalleled accuracy in positioning AC output
Transient programming is easily accomplished
from the front panel where clearly laid out menu’s
guide the user through the transient definition
The front panel provides a convenient listing
of the programmed transient sequence and
allows for transient execution Start, Stop,
Abort and Resume operations. User defined
transient sequences can be saved to non-volatile
memory for instant recall and execution at a
later time. The included Graphical User Interface
program supports transient definitions using
a spreadsheet-like data entry grid. A library
of frequently used transient programs can be
created and saved using this GUI program.