Agilent technologies – Atec Agilent-6643A User Manual

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Your Requested Excerpt from the
Agilent System and Bench Instruments Catalog 2006
The preceding page(s) are an excerpt from the 2006 System
and Bench Instruments Catalog. We hope that these pages supply
the information that you currently need. If you would like to
have further information about the extensive selection of Agilent
DC power supplies, please visit

to print

a copy of the complete catalog, or to request that a copy be sent
to you. You will also find a lot of other useful information on
this Web site.

In the full System and Bench Instruments Catalog, you will
find that Agilent offers much more than DC power supplies. This
catalog contains detailed technical and application information
on digital multimeters, DC power supplies, arbitrary waveform
generators, and many more instruments. If you need basic, clean,
power for your lab bench, it’s there. In each power product
category we have also integrated the capabilities you need for
a complete power solution, including extensive measurement
and analysis capabilities.

Please give us a call at your local Agilent Technologies sales
office, or call a regional office listed, for assistance in choosing
or using Agilent power products.

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As an Email Update subscriber, you will receive periodic
customized email updates that match the areas of interest
that you have specified. Your update will include products
and services, applications and support information, events and
promotions. Sign up today at


Check off DC power supplies, AC power sources or electronic
loads on your registration form, and we will promptly let you
know what’s new in power products. Our Privacy Statement at

describes our commitment to you

regarding your privacy.

For more information on Agilent
Technologies’ products, applications
or services, please contact your local
Agilent office. The complete list is
available at:

Phone or Fax

United States:
(tel) 800 829 4444
(fax) 800 829 4433

(tel) 877 894 4414
(fax) 800 746 4866

(tel) 800 810 0189
(fax) 800 820 2816

(tel) 31 20 547 2111

(tel) (81) 426 56 7832
(fax) (81) 426 56 7840

(tel) (080) 769 0800
(fax) (080) 769 0900

Latin America:
(tel) (305) 269 7500

(tel) 0800 047 866
(fax) 0800 286 331

Other Asia Pacific Countries:
(tel) (65) 6375 8100
(fax) (65) 6755 0042
Email: [email protected]

Contacts revised: 09/26/05

Product specifications and descriptions in
this document subject to change without

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2006
Printed in the USA, February 8, 2006

Agilent Technologies