Distance-time domain performance summary cont'd, Signal shape examples – Atec Agilent-8703A User Manual

Page 14

background image

Frequency bandwidth (GHz)

Measurement description

0.13 to 12.0

0.13 to 20

Lightwave forward
transmission measurement

51 dBo

51 dBo


110 dBe

110 dBe


95 dBe

95 dBe

Lightwave reflection measurement
Optical (Impulse mode only)

44 dBo

44 dBo

Microwave forward
transmission measurement

110 dBe

110 dBe

Microwave reflection measurement
Electrical (Impulse mode only)

56 dBe

56 dBe

Signal shape examples

The following are graphs of impulse and step signals
generated by the inverse FFT of the 8703A using a 20 GHz
Fspan. Electrical (dBe) and electro-optical (dBe) cases
are not presented since the signal shape is similar to the
lightwave examples shown.

impulse response
transmission test
(DUT = 21 cm single
mode fiber)

step response
transmission test
(DUT = 21 cm single
mode fiber)

45 Limited by maximum lightwave receiver input power, maximum

microwave power and system noise floor. Specified for a 20 GHz
frequency bandwidth, a normal window factor, a 10 Hz IF bandwidth,
a 16 averaging factor and after an appropriate calibration has been
performed (i.e., response & isolation calibration for optical tests,
response & match and isolation calibration for electrical-to-optical and
optical-to-electrical tests, or full 2-port and isolation calibration for
electrical test).

Table 8. Single response
system dynamic range


(for distance-time
lowpass impulse and step
response modes, typical).


Distance-time domain
performance summary