Frequency domain microwave performance summary, Microwave source characteristics, Microwave receiver characteristics – Atec Agilent-8703A User Manual

Page 11: Measurement examples

background image

transmission test
(DUT = filter)

reflection test
(DUT = filter)

Specifications describe the instrument’s warranted performance for the
temperature range of 23 ±3°C after a three hour warm-up. Supplemental
characteristics describe useful, non-warranted performance parameters.
These are denoted as “typical” or “nominal”.

Table 6. System
dynamic range


Frequency range (GHz)

0.13 to 0.5 0.5 to 2

2 to 8

8 to 20

Forward transmission (S21) 105 dBe 103 dBe 102 dBe 100 dBe
Reverse transmission (S12) 45 dBe

62 dBe 75 dBe 75 dBe

Microwave source characteristics


Bandwidth: 130 MHz to 20 GHz
Start/stop/center/CW: 1 Hz
Stability: ±0.8 ppm (typical) at 23 ±3°C

±3.0 ppm/year (typical) at 23 ±3°C

Accuracy: 10 ppm


Power range:
+5 to –50 dBm (3.2 mW to 0.01 µW) in 5 dB steps from
port 1
–15 to –70 dBm (32 µW to 0.1 nW) in 5 dB steps from
port 2

Power flatness: ±3 dB (at 0 dBm port 1 output power, at
–20 dBm port 2 output power (plus coupler roll-off))
Harmonics power level:
<–15 dBc at 0 dBm output power (typical)
Impedance: 50 ohms (nominal)

Bias port

DC bias: 500 mA, 40 VDC maximum

Microwave receiver characteristics


Bandwidth: 130 MHz to 20 GHz
Impedance: 50 ohms (nominal)
Maximum input power operating level: 0 dBm
(1.0 mW)
Input power damage level: +20 dBm (100 mW)
System sensitivity (using 10 Hz IF bandwidth,
16 averages): –110 dBm (0.01 pW) (typical)

Measurement examples

The following graphs show device (DUT) measurements
compared to typical (– – –) 8703A measurement ranges



31 Limited by maximum output power and system noise floor. Specified

for an IF bandwidth of 10 Hz, using a full 2-port measurement
calibration (including an isolation calibration performed with an
averaging factor of 16). Dynamic range is tested for transmission
measurements only; dynamic range for reflection measurements is
limited in practice by directivity.

32 The 85052D RF Calibration Kit was used for this measurement



Frequency domain
microwave performance