Lmr master™ s412e specifications, Signal generator – Atec Anritsu-S412E User Manual

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LMR Master™ S412E Specifications

PTC Analyzer and PTC Talk-Out Coverage (Options 0721, 0722)


PTC Analyzer

(Option 0721)

PTC Talk-Out Coverage

(Option 0722, requires Option 0031 GPS)

Received Power
Frequency Error
4FSK: BER, Modulation Fidelity, Symbol Deviation, Symbol Rate Error
∏/4 DQPSK: Error Vector Magnitude, BER, IQ Imbalance,
Phase Error, Magnitude Error, Symbol Rate Error

Modulation Fidelity


PTC Analyzer

(Option 0721)

PTC Talk-Out Coverage

(Option 0722, requires Option 0031 GPS)

Linear Constellation
Spectrum [Spans(kHz) = 25,50,100,500,1000,5000]
Eye Diagram
Summary Display

Measured values are overlayed on a geo-tagged map and
exportable to both KML and CSV text (Requires Option 0031 and a
suitable GPS antenna)

Setup Parameters


Center Frequency


Reference level, Scale, Ext Attenuation, Auto Range, Adjust Range


Modulation Type (4FSK, DQPSK) Symbol Rate (ksps) (6, 8, 12, 16)

TX pattern Preamble + PN9, PN9 Only, CW, AM 1 kHz tone, FM 1 kHz tone


PTC Analyzer, PTC Coverage

PTC Analyzer

Active Graph, Maximize Active Trace, Graph Type, Symbol Span

Graph Type

Constellation, Linear Constellation, Spectrogram, Histogram, Eye Diagram, Summary

Eye Diagram Symbol Span

2, 3, 4, 5

PTC Coverage

(Option 0532, requires Option 0031 GPS)

USB Memory File Format .mtd, .kml, both

Log data on / off

Measured values are overlayed on a geo-tagged map and exportable to both KML and CSV text

RF Measurements (Option 0721) (temperature range 15 °C to 35 °C)

Received Power dBm

± 1.25 dB, ± 0.5 dB typical

Frequency Error Hz

± 10 Hz + Frequency Reference

Modulation Fidelity %

Error Vector Magnitude %

Phase Error degrees

Magnitude Error %

IQ Imbalance dB


Symbol Deviation Hz

Radio Access Number Hex

Symbol Rate Error mHz

Measurements (Option 0722)

Measured values are overlayed on a geo-tagged map and exportable to both KML and CSV text

Signal Generator

Setup Parameters

Modulation Type (4FSK, ∏/4 DQPSK)

Symbol Rate (ksps) (6, 8, 12, 16)



Tx Output Level


120 dBm to 0 dBm

Tx Pattern

Preamble + PN9, PN9 Only, CW, AM 1 kHz tone, FM 1 kHz tone

RF Characteristics

Power Level Accuracy

2.0 dB (CW Pattern, temperature range 15 °C to 35 °C, -120 to 0 dBm) Typical

Frequency Range

500 kHz to 1.6 GHz

Mod Fidelity

1.75 % max

Frequency Accuracy

Same as Spectrum Analyzer