Alpha Technologies AlphaGen PN-6x-T 7.5kW 48VDC - Technical Manual User Manual
Page 61

042-288-B0-001, Rev. A
The Engine Control Module, continued
4.5 Alarm
Classifi cations, continued
Minor Alarms:
Minor alarms indicate a system fault which, though not indicative of imminent system failure
or shutdown, requires service attention before the condition worsens. A site check by service
personnel is recommended.
Control Fail (Latching – after fi ve activations): A control failure between the ECM and
the generator set. Typically this means the engine did not start or stop when commanded
to do so. The alarm is cleared when the Reset command is issued or the manual stop
switch is activated.
Alternator Off (Non-latching): This alarm is active if the generator controller has
disabled the alternator output. A generator controller may disable the alternator output if
the output voltage cannot be held above some threshold.
Self-test Fail (Latching): Activates when the most recent generator self-test fails. The
alarm is cleared when the Reset command is issued, the manual stop switch is activated
or another Self-Test command is issued.
Low Ignition Battery: The generator’s ignition battery voltage has fallen below 11.5Vdc.
Alarm is cleared when battery voltage rises above 12Vdc indicating battery recovery has
begun. The low ignition battery voltage does not trigger an alarm during engine cranking.
Auto Mode Disabled: The position of the ECM control select switch. When the Run-
Auto-Stop (RAS) switch is in a manual (STOP or RUN) position, the ECM has no control
over engine operation and therefore raises an alarm. This is a hardware ‘lockout’ input
and cannot be changed via status monitoring.
• Tamper: One of the enclosure doors is open. The alarm clears when the door is closed
DC Bus Fault: The power system DC bus voltage, as measured at the ECM, is less
than the DC bus voltage (programmable - default = 49V). This alarm clears automatically
when the bus voltage exceeds 2V above nominal (i.e., 50Vdc in a 48V system). Note the
alarm clears, but the generator starts when DC bus level drops to 49Vdc or lower.
• Engine
Disabled: Command to disable normal operation of the generator set. When set
to DISABLE the engine is shutdown under all conditions. A Minor Alarm indicator is active
if this switch is set to DISABLE. The engine is disabled by software after fi ve consecutive
Low Fuel alarms, or fi ve consecutive Control Fail alarms. This alarm is cleared by issuing
a “Reset” command or when the “Manual Stop” switch is activated.
Output Circuit Breaker OFF or Disabled (PN-6x-T Only): No ECM indication. Verify
circuit breaker position visually.
Notifi cations:
Notifi cations represent important information not urgent enough to be considered an alarm.
There are currently two notifi cations.
• Line
The ECM’s determination of the state of AC line voltage. Loss of AC utility
input is one of the criteria for starting the generator.
• Service
Routine maintenance of the engine/generator is due. This alarm
activates when the Service Countdown reaches 0. It is cleared by depressing the service
timer reset button for fi ve seconds (Refer to Section 7.0, System Maintenance, for further