Xylem System 5000 Getting Started Guide User Manual

Page 9

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System 5000™ Software

From the main menu, press the “System Setup” button to open the setup menu. With the “General

Setup” tab selected and the “System Settings” option highlighted, press the “Open” button to enter

the “System Settings” screen.

Setting the Site ID

The ‘System Settings’ screen allows the

Site ID, Default Error String, and Switched

+12V settings to be modified. Restoring

the System 5000™ to its default settings

can also be performed here.

To set the Site ID, press the “Edit” button

next to the SiteID label.

The expanded Keyboard allows the Site

ID to be set via the touch screen. To erase

the current value (“SiteID”) press the CLR

button and then enter a new ID.

When finished, press the “OK” button, and

“OK” again on the System Settings page

to save the new Site ID. Press the “Exit”

button to back out to the main menu.