Xylem ProLab 4000 User Manual

Page 155

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ProLab 4000





The measuring method can only be started if Ref. temp., Start temp.
and Temp. interval are selected so that the reference temperature cor-
responds to the nominal temperature of a measuring point: Ref. temp.
= Start temp. + x*Temp. interval


Enter the start temperature, end temperature and temperature
Enter the number of standards and confirm with [Continue].
The display shows:
 the current conductivity value
 the current temperature
 information on the nominal temperature of the next measur-

ing point and the temperature difference between the cur-
rent temperature and the nominal temperature


Warm or cool the measuring solution (standard 1) to the start
temperature Start temp..
As soon as the temperature of the measuring point is achieved
and a stable value is recognized, the measurement is automat-
ically started and the dataset stored.
After the measurement, a piece of information about the next
measuring point with the relevant nominal temperature is dis-
played and the temperature difference between the current
temperature and the nominal temperature.