Xylem 8100 Series Centrifugal Pumps AC2515 REV.C User Manual
Page 7

The following storage procedures apply to the
Series 8100 pump only. Other accessories such
as motors, steam turbines, gears, etc., must be
handled per the respective manufacturer’s
Temporary storage is considered one month
or less. If the pump is not installed and
operated soon after arrival, store it in a clean,
dry place that has slow, moderate changes in
ambient temperature. Rotate the shaft
periodically to coat the bearings with lubricant
and to retard oxidation, corrosion, and to
reduce the possibility of false brinelling of the
bearings. Shaft extensions and other
exposed machine surfaces should be coated
with an easily removable rust preventative
such as Ashland Oil Tectyl No. 502C.
For oil lubricated bearings, fill the frame
completely with oil. Before putting equipment
into operation, drain the oil and refill to proper
Long Term
Storage longer than one month is considered
long term storage. Follow the same
procedure for temporary storage with the
following addition. Add one half ounce of a
corrosion inhibiting concentrated oil such as
Cortec Corp. VCI-329 (for both grease and oil
lubricated bearings). Seal all vents and apply
a water proof tape around the oil seals in the
bearing frame. Remember for pumps with oil
lubricated bearings to drain the oil from the
frame and refill to the proper level before
running the pump.
The pump should be installed as near to the
suction supply as possible, with the shortest and
most direct suction pipe practical. The total
dynamic suction lift (static lift plus friction losses in
suction line) should not exceed the limits for which
the pump was sold.
When installing the pump, consider its location in
relation to the system to assure that sufficient Net
Positive Suction Head (NPSHA) is available at the
pump inlet connection. Available NPSH (NPSHA)
must always equal or exceed the required NPSH
(NPSHR) of the pump.
The pump must be primed before starting.
Whenever possible, the pump should be located
below the fluid level to assure priming. This
condition provides a positive suction head on the
pump. It is also possible to prime the pump by
pressurizing the suction vessel.
The pump should be installed with sufficient
accessibility for inspection and maintenance. A
clear space with ample head room should be
allowed for the use of an overhead crane or hoist
to lift the unit.
NOTE: Allow a sufficient amount of space to
dismantle pump without disturbing the pump
suction and discharge piping.
Select a dry place above the floor level wherever
possible. Take care to prevent pump from freezing
during cold weather when not in operation. Should
the possibility of freezing exist during a shut-down
period, the pump should be completely drained,
and all passages and pockets where liquid might
collect should be blown out with compressed air.
Make sure there is a suitable power source
available for the pump driver. If motor driven, the
electrical characteristics of the power source
should be identical to those shown on motor data
The pump is built to provide years of service if
installed properly and attached to a suitable
foundation. A base of concrete weighing 2 ½ to 5
times the weight of the pump is recommended.