Xylem 8100 Series Centrifugal Pumps AC2515 REV.C User Manual

Page 42

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NOTE: A locknut and lockwasher are not
installed on the inboard end of the shaft.


18. Clean the gasket surfaces of the casing.

Apply Scotch 3M-77 spray adhesive or
equivalent to the lower half of the casing.

12. Heat the ball bearing (3-026-4), using

either dry heat or a 10-15% soluble oil and
water solution.

19. Within one minute of spraying, set the

untrimmed gaskets (2-123-5 and -6) in
place on the lower half casing, align the
holes in the gaskets with the holes in the
casing and press the gaskets firmly
against the lower half casing face in the
area coated by the adhesive.

13. Using gloves, slide the heated bearing

onto the shaft against the shaft shoulder
(See Figure 37).

20. Trim the gaskets flush with the lower

casing bores, if this has not been done as

Machined casing bores must remain sharp

at the casing parting line. Gaskets must be flush
with bore in order to contact O-rings. Leakage can
result around stuff box O-ring if this step is not
properly followed.


14. Install lockwasher (3-517-4) and locknut

(3-516-4) on the outboard end of the shaft.
Make certain locknut is secured and then
bend over tabs on lockwasher.

21. Set the rotating element in the pump

casing (2-001-0), assuring correct rotation.
Locate both stuffing box tongues in their
respective casing grooves. Locate pins (3-
943-9) in the stuffing box and the casing
wear rings in their respective slots at the
casing parting surface. Correct any O-ring

15. Allow the bearing to cool to room

temperature. On grease lubricated
bearings only, coat the exposed sides with
two or three ounces of recommended

Do not cut or damage O-rings when

lowering the rotating element into position. When
all four anti-rotation pins (3-943-9) are correctly
located, there will be some casing ring looseness.

16. On grease lubricated bearings, coat the

inside of the bearing housing (3-025-4)
with grease and slide into place over
bearing. Attaching the bearing housing to
the stuffing box with four cap screws (3-

22. Lower the upper half casing (2-001-0) into

place using the tapered dowel pins (2-
916-1) and install casing main joint bolts
(2-904-1). The casing joint bolts should be
tightened to the following torques: 140 ft-lb
minimum for 5/8"-11 hex head cap screws
(Grade 5); 350 ft-lb minimum for 7/8"-9
Ferry Cap Counterbore screws (Grade 8).
Bolt torquing pattern is shown in Figure 59
on page 52.

NOTE: Torque values are essential in
obtaining proper gasket compression so no
leakage can occur at main joint.


23. Rotate the shaft by hand to assure that it

turns smoothly and is free from rubbing or

17. Repeat steps 9 through 13, 15 and 16 for

the inboard end.

24. Install seal water piping (0-952-0).