Iv. vga installation, Ibm os/2 video driver installation, Autocad video driver installation – Asus P/I-P65UP8/CP6ND User Manual

Page 39: Microstation video driver installation

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ASUS P/I-P65UP8 User’s Manual


IV. VGA Installation

IBM OS/2 Video Driver Installation

(OS/2,CAD, Micro.)




WARNING: The S3 Trio64 device OS/2 video driver is to be used for the
English version of OS/2 only.
1. Start OS/2 using standard VGA driver

2. Double-click the OS/2 System folder

3. Double-click the Command Prompts folder

4. Double-click the OS/2 Full Screen object

5. Insert the ASUS support CD (assuming your CD-ROM drive is letter D)


7. In the Monitor Configuration Selection Utility, select Install Using Defaults

for Monitor Type

8. Click OK when Display Driver Install panel appears

9. Restart OS/2. It will default to 640x480 in 256 colors. To change screen resolu-

tion and/or color depth, see your OS/2 User’s Guide.

AutoCAD Video Driver Installation

1. Enter DOS mode

2. Insert the ASUS support CD (assuming your CD-ROM drive is letter D)

3. Change current directory to D:\DOS\AutoCAD, type INSTALL

4. Follow the instructions to complete the installation of the drivers. Type direc-

tory name where AutoCAD drivers are located when installation program asks
you. Your video drivers should be installed and ready to use.

Microstation Video Driver Installation

1. Enter DOS mode

2. Insert the ASUS support CD (assuming your CD-ROM drive is letter D)

3. Change current directory to D:\DOS\Mstation, type INSTALL

4. Follow the instructions to complete the installation of the drivers. Your video

drivers should be installed and ready to use.