26 south bridge 1.1 voltage [auto, 27 south bridge 1.5 voltage [auto, 28 cpu gtl voltage reference (0/2) [auto – Asus Maximus II Gene User Manual

Page 89: 29 cpu gtl voltage reference (1/3) [auto, 30 nb gtl reference [auto, 31 ddr2 cha/b reference voltage [auto, 32 north bridge ddr reference [auto, 33 debug mode [string, 34 keyboard tweakit control [disabled, 35 cpu spread spectrum [auto

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3.3.26 South Bridge 1.1 Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the South Bridge 1.1 voltage.

3.3.27 South Bridge 1.5 Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the South Bridge 1.1 voltage.

3.3.28 CPU GTL Voltage Reference (0/2) [Auto]

Allows you to set the CPU GTL voltage reference. Different ratio might enhance the

CPU overclocking ability.

3.3.29 CPU GTL Voltage Reference (1/3) [Auto]

Allows you to set the CPU GTL voltage reference. Different ratio might enhance the

CPU overclocking ability.

3.3.30 NB GTL Reference [Auto]

Allows you to set the Northbridge GTL reference voltage, or your can set to

[Auto] for the safe mode. Different ratio might enhance CPU overclocking ability.

Configuration options: [Auto] [0.67x] [0.61x]

3.3.31 DDR2 ChA/B Reference Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the DDR2 ChA and ChB reference voltage, or your can set to

[Auto] for the safe mode. Different ratio might enhance CPU overclocking ability.

3.3.32 North Bridge DDR Reference [Auto]

Allows you to set the North Bridge DDR reference voltage, or your can set to [Auto]

for the safe mode. Different ratio might enhance CPU overclocking ability.

3.3.33 Debug Mode [String]

Allows you to select the debug mode. Configuration options: [String] [Code]

3.3.34 Keyboard TweakIt Control [Disabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the keyboard TweakIt control.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

3.3.35 CPU Spread Spectrum [Auto]


Enhances FSB overclocking ability


Set to [Auto] for EMI control.