19 pch voltage [auto, 20 load-line calibration [auto, 21 cpu spread spectrum [auto – Asus P7F7-E WS Supercomputer User Manual

Page 97: 22 pcie spread spectrum [auto

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ASUS P7F7-E WS Supercomputer


3.4.19 PCH Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the Platform Controller Hub voltage. The values range from
1.05V to 1.15V with a 0.10V interval.

3.4.20 Load-Line Calibration [Auto]


Automatic configuration.


Follow Intel specifications.


Improve CPU VDroop directly.

3.4.21 CPU Spread Spectrum [Auto]


Automatic configuration.


Enhances the BCLK overclocking ability.


Sets to [Enabled] for EMI control.

3.4.22 PCIE Spread Spectrum [Auto]


Automatic configuration.


Enhances the PCIE overclocking ability.


Sets to [Enabled] for EMI control.