SENA Parani-MSP1000 User Manual
Page 59

IP address and the facility to be used.
To receive log messages from the Parani-MSP1000, the SYSLOG server must be configured as
“remote reception allowed”. If there is a firewall between the Parani-MSP1000 and the SYSLOG
server, there must be a rule that allows all outgoing and incoming UDP packets to travel across
the firewall.
The Parani-MSP1000 supports SYSLOG facilities from local0 to local7. The user can employ
these facilities to save messages from the Parani-MSP1000 separately in the SYSLOG server.
Reduce system log (Time to reduce the log data ) to (system log size)
The system log should be reduced because the internal memory for system log is limited. The
Parani-MSP1000 has a 16 Megabytes memory for system log and port log. If the internal memory
is full, the system log will not be recorded anymore.
Table 8-1 The time to Reduce logged data
Every month
First day of every month 00:00:00 AM
Every week
Every Sunday 00:00:00 AM
Every day
Every day 00:00:00 AM
Every hour
Every hour 0 minute 0 second exactly
Figure 8-2 System logging configuration