SENA LS100W User Manual

Page 21

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par1 = PPPoE username,
par2 = PPPoE password

Figure 2-15 Help screen with ‘ip’group specified

2.4.4 ‘factorydefault’Command

With ‘factorydefault’command, users can load factory default parameter values in console. Command

usage of ‘factorydefault’is as follows:

factorydefault [option] +


- if option is omitted, all parameters are set with factory default values.

- if option='-ip', all parameters except IP settings are set with factory default values.

Loaded values are not saved until ‘save’command invoked. After ‘factorydefault” command, ‘save’and

‘reboot’commands are required for changes to take effect.

> factorydefault (or factorydefault –ip)

> save
> reboot

Figure 2-16 Factory default reset screen

2.4.5 ‘save’Command

With ‘save’command, current parameter changes are saved to non-volatile memory. Command usage

of ‘save’command is as follows:

save +

Saved changes will be applied if the LS100W is rebooted by ‘reboot’command or manual rebooting.

2.4.6 ‘exit’Command

With ‘exit’ command, current serial or remote console session will be closed. However, changed

parameters are not applied until the LS100W is manually rebooted. Command usage of ‘exit’

command is as follows:

exit +