SENA LS100W User Manual

Page 20

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Figure 2-13 Getting all parameters screen

2.4.3 ‘help’Command

With ‘help’ command, users can find command usage help in the console screen. Basic command

usage is as follows:

help [group] +


if group is omitted, overall help screen will be displayed

if group is specified, ‘set’ command usage of specified group will be displayed.

Figure 2-14 shows help screen when no group is specified while Figure 2-16 shows help screen with

‘ip’group specified.

> help
set group par1 [par2 ...] +

- group = 'ip','host','serial' or 'admin'
- par1 ... = configuration parameters. Use * to keep a parameter's value
get [group] +
- group = 'ip','host','serial','admin' or 'status'

- If group is specified, shows settings of the group.
- If group is omitted, shows settings of all groups.

help [group] +
- If group is omitted, shows this screen.
- If group is specified, shows 'set' command usage of the group.

factorydefault [option] +
- if option is omitted, all parameters are set with factory default
- if option='-ip',

all parameters except IP settings are set with factory default


save +
- Save changes
exit +
- Exit without rebooting the device

reboot +
- Exit and reboot the device

Figure 2-14 Help screen

> help ip
set ip ipmode par1 par2 ...
- ipmode: static=Static IP / dhcp=DHCP / pppoe=PPPoE

- parameters:
if ipmode = static,

par1 = IP address,

par2 = subnet mask,
par3 = gateway

if ipmode = dhcp,

no parameters required

if ipmode = pppoe,