Crown Audio IQ-MSD Turbo Software User Manual
Page 63
IQ–MSD Turbo 1.4 Advanced IQ System Software
Page 63
3.9 How to Create a Custom GDM
GDMs or Graphics Display Modules are a powerful class of objects because they are self-contained mini control
panels for IQ components. Instead of manually adding several objects to a graphics plate every time you want to
add controls for an IQ component, you can use a standard GDM. But the GDM story doesn’t stop there. You do
not have to use the standard GDMs—you can create your own custom GDMs, giving them just the controls and
features that you want. The next time you call up a GDM for an IQ component, your custom GDM will appear in
place of the standard one.
You can create a custom GDM for almost any IQ component—even older ones that do not support UCODE
(Crown’s IQ2 protocol for third-party developers). Here are the steps:
1 Prepare an OIF (Object Information File) for the IQ component.
2 Exit and restart Turbo so it will use the OIF.
3 Create a GDM container.
4 Add objects to the GDM container to control/monitor the IQ component.
5 Save the GDM.
Let’s use an amplifier with a legacy IQ P.I.P. for an example again. The following sections will discuss the six steps
above in greater.
3.9.1 Preparing an OIF
Before a GDM can be created for an IQ component, an object information file (OIF) must exist for the IQ
component. All UCODE-compatible IQ components have an OIF. Non-UCODE IQ components may or may not
have an OIF. Check the directory in which Turbo is installed for OIFs to see if one exists for the intended IQ
component. Note: All OIFs must reside in the Turbo14 directory or Turbo will not use them.
An OIF is a text file which can be created or edited with most text editors or word processors. Four lines are
required for legacy IQ components (non-UCODE) as shown below:
Description=Legacy IQ-PIP
Note: IQ2 (UCODE) components also require a fifth version line which cannot be edited.
[Component]: The first line marks the beginning of the IQ component information section. It must be spelled
exactly as shown with a beginning and closing bracket.
ID=: The second line identifies the IQ component type with an ID code. The ID codes for various IQ components
are listed in the table in Figure 3.23. All ID codes begin with $ followed by two characters.
Description=: The third line lists the description that will appear in the list of IQ components in the GDM
Container Attributes window (Figure 3.24). It should be no more than 30 characters in length or, depending on the
characters used, it may be too long for the list.