Crown Audio IQ-MSD Turbo Software User Manual

Page 204

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IQ–MSD Turbo 1.4 Advanced IQ System Software

Page 204

Bus All mixers have a switchable “bus” audio output for each channel. They receive the same post-processed
audio signal that the main audio outputs receive. The bus outputs are isolated with relays and are independently
buffered with separate output drivers, enabling them to be tied together into a large monitoring or paging “bus.”

Button A graphic object that acts like a push-button to control an on/off or toggle function (such as turning an
amplifier channel on and off). Special System Buttons are also available to make system-wide changes, change
graphics plates or open and close mini plates.

Click Press and release a mouse button once ({)—usually the left mouse button.

CLN The Crown Local Net is a specialized RS422 communication loop. It provides local communication
between IQ components apart from the Crown Bus. It can be used to share information, such as input gating,
between several SMX-6 mixers.

Coerce The coerce function is used to force all amplifier attenuation settings in the system to either the highest
(coerce up) or lowest (coerce down) setting.

COM 1, COM 2 RS232 serial communication ports in a PC are referred to as “COM” ports. Most PCs have
two, COM 1 and COM 2.

Component, IQ System An electronic component controlled by a microcomputer for the purpose of
performing a specific task in an IQ System.

Compressor A function that reduces an audio signal when it rises above a Threshold setting. Both the SMX-
and AMB-5 include Input and Output Compressor/Limiter functions. The compression Ratio control sets the
amount of compression that will be applied for every step over the Threshold. See Limiter, Ratio and Threshold

Container A graphic box that is used to visually group two or more graphic objects together. It is used for purely
aesthetic purpose and it is the only graphic object that can be placed behind other objects in a graphics plate.
Special containers (GDM and Drone Containers) also link their contents to a particular function.

Control Block A specialized portion on the screen that directly controls one specific type of IQ component.
Control blocks include controls (and sometimes indicators) that allow manual control of an IQ component. Some
control blocks can also be displayed on a graphics plate. See Device Menu also.

Control Block Override A sub-block control of an SMX-6 or AMB-5 mixer that places them in a kind of
“semiautomatic” function mode where levels can be temporarily increased or decreased manually from the control
blocks while the automatic functions are operating. When used in conjunction with the Max Gain To Track Control
Block control, it allows a drone to control the input level even when ASA is on.

Control Panel Screen A screen of controls that configure the serial communication parameters between
the host computer and the IQ interface. It also contains break detection and emergency mute controls. It is
accessed by pressing
