Crown Audio IQ-MSD Turbo Software User Manual

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IQ–MSD Turbo 1.4 Advanced IQ System Software

Page 31


A Command & Title Bar is located at the top of the Control Block screen. It lists the function keys (


that are available from the Control Block screen and, in the center, the IQ components represented in the control
blocks (SMX). At the bottom of the control block screen are two status lines which display the Offset number and
the current dataframe file name.

The offset number is the number of the currently selected control block and it helps you keep track of your
location in systems with many IQ components. The control blocks are numbered from top to bottom, beginning with
1 (one) at the top. Suppose, for example that your IQ System has ten SMX-6 mixers. Each one will be given its
own control block so your system will have 1-10 control blocks. Since only four of them can be viewed at the same
time in the Control Block screen, Turbo will allow you to scroll through them with


. When you do this, the

offset number tells you which control block has the current focus of the system. If you scroll down to the seventh
control block, the offset number will be seven. In the example in Figure 2.15, the offset number is one because the
first control block has the focus.

If a dataframe file has been engaged or saved, its name will be listed at the very bottom of the screen. In Figure
2.15, dataframe file SETUP-1 is listed.

Occasionally you may also see other items listed on one of the status lines. For example, some screens will list “Esc
- Exit” in the far right corner to let you know that you can exit the screen by pressing the



The control blocks of some, but not all, IQ components are also available from a graphics plate. Figure 2.16 shows
a graphics plate version of the same SMX-6 control block that is highlighted in Figure 2.15. It is accessed by
double-clicking ({) on the GDM (graphics display module) of an IQ component.
Although both the text screen and graphics plate versions of a control block appear to have many of the same
controls, the graphics plate version is slightly more limited than the text version. For instance, the graphics plate
version only allows you to display one control block at a time. In addition, the ASA (Auto System Activate) control
can only be turned on and off—you cannot use it to access the sub-blocks where the automation features are

Fig. 2.16 An SMX-6 Control Block from a Graphics Plate

configured. To access the automation features from a graphics plate you would need to create your own custom
sub-block with the various control objects in the graphics plate Toolbox. (Sub-blocks are discussed in Section 2.6
and graphics plates are discussed in Sections 2.8, 3 and 4.)