Crown Audio IQ-MSD Turbo Software User Manual

Page 103

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IQ–MSD Turbo 1.4 Advanced IQ System Software

Page 103

Fig. 4.41 The Line Attributes Window

Fig. 4.42 Two Sample Line Objects

4.14 Line

Line objects are graphics tools for use in designing a logical, attractive graphics plate. They can be used to
separate parts of a container or to highlight or draw attention to an important object or text label. To place a Line
on a graphics plate, choose Line Object from the Toolbox. The Line Attributes window (Figure 4.41) will then
open so you can configure it. Its attributes are described below:

Direction: Determines whether the object will be a horizontal Line or a vertical Line object.

Background: Sets the background color of the Line object.

All Lines are two pixels thick. One row of pixels is always dark grey (color 8) to match the shadow edge of the
border of most objects. On horizontal Lines, the dark grey row is always on the bottom. On vertical Lines, the dark
grey row is always on the right. The color of the second row of pixels is set by the Background attribute.

Two horizontal Line objects are shown in Figure 4.42. The Line on the top was placed directly on the graphics
plate. It has a background color of grey (color 7). The second Line was place inside a container and was given
a background color of white (color 15). This gives it a raised or three-dimensional appearance like the border of
the container.

To make a Line object appear to be only one pixel thick, set the Background attribute to the same color as the color
behind the Line.