Crown Audio IQ-MSD Turbo Software User Manual
Page 149
IQ–MSD Turbo 1.4 Advanced IQ System Software
Page 149
Idle Gain: If the Gate and Auto Level functions are used together, their interaction may produce an unexpected
side effect. When Max Gain is set above the DAOL of the Auto Level function, the Auto Level function could start
lowering the gain every time the gate opens. If there is a great difference between the signal level and the DAOL,
the shift in gain will be very noticeable. The sound would start out loud and then fade.
The Idle Gain control can compensate for this situation. Idle Gain controls the initial gain when the gate first opens.
You can think of it as the “starting gain” because it overrides the Max Gain when the gate opens. Start with Idle
Gain equal to Max Gain. If the level audibly drops each time the gate opens, try a lower value for Idle Gain.
IMPORTANT: The Idle Gain parameter functions only when three conditions are met. 1) The Gate function is
turned on. 2) The Auto Level function is turned on. 3) The mixer has the Auto Leveler Gate Function control set
to “Open to idle gain”. (The third condition is not required for SMX-6s with firmware prior to version 1.3.) See the
Auto Leveler Gate Function control below for more information.
IMPORTANT: Never set Idle Gain higher than Max Gain. Because the Idle Gain overrides the
Max Gain, it is possible to force the gain above the Max Gain setting.
Auto Leveler Gate: This feature is available for all AMB-5s but only for SMX-6s with version 1.3 firmware
or later. (To see which firmware version your SMX-6 has, locate the white sticker above the DB-25 serial
communication connector on the back panel of the unit. Units with version 1.3 firmware will be labeled “V 1.3”.)
The purpose of the Auto Leveler Gate control is to help create smoother transitions when both the Gate and Auto
Level functions are operating. Both of these functions must be operating for this feature to work.
The “Open to idle gain” setting is best for systems with relatively constant sound levels as with background music.
When an input gate is opened, its gain is set to the Idle Gain setting. See the description of the Idle Gain control for
more information.
The “Open to last position” setting is best for systems with widely varying sound levels where an Idle Gain setting
is difficult to choose. When an input gate opens, the Idle Gain setting is ignored and the gain is restored to the
previous level it had just prior to its closing. An example of when this setting is very useful is when speakers with
very different voice levels share the same microphone.
The following list shows the possible settings for each Auto Level function control. Note: All dB settings are dBu.
Auto Level: On/Off
DAOL: (Desired Average Output Level) Off; –99½ dB to +25 dB in ½ dB steps
Reaction Time: 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 seconds
Idle Gain: Off; –99½ dB to +25 dB in ½ dB steps
Auto Leveler Gate Function: Open to idle gain/Open to last position