3B Scientific Force Table User Manual

Page 7

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3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany •

Subject to technical amendments

© Copyright 2010 3B Scientific GmbH

Press the work disc with force onto the centre

Place the washer onto the central bore and
screw in the mount for cords.

Attach the pulleys with clamps at the positions
on the work disc marked 0°, 120° and 240°.

Place the ring above the mount in the centre of
the work disc.

Run the cords over the pulleys, suspend the
weight holders and attach the slotted weights.

The ring should be in a state of equilibrium.

4.2 Sample experiment: Vector Addition

Set up the force table as above.

Add a 20 g mass to one weight holder and a
50 g mass to another at 0° and 120°.

By adding weights to a third weight holder and
selecting a suitable angle it is possible to estab-
lish equilibrium. To check the equilibrium, lift
the ring and let it drop. If it falls back to the
centre, equilibrium has been attained. If not,
then further adjustments are necessary.

Calculate the magnitude and direction of the
forces required to attain equilibrium. Compare
the values obtained in the experiment to those
determined by the theory.

Draw the forces to scale showing their magni-
tude and direction to confirm the law of the
triangle of forces.

Repeat the experiment with different masses
and angles.