General information – Swanstone MF-1W - Installation User Manual

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General Information

A laundry tub or utility sink can be a useful addition to
any home to soak dirty clothes, wash the dog, or clean
large, odd-shaped household goods. Our laundry tubs
are made from Veritek, which makes them easy to install
and maintain. Our Veritek material has no surface
coating to chip or crack and will not mold or mildew.
The laundry tubs can also be secured to the wall or the
floor as a precaution to prevent unwanted tipping.

The installation process is straightforward and most
homeowners can easily complete the task. The hardest
part of the job, if necessary, may be installing the water
lines and drain pipe. Always check local building codes
to verify that you, the homeowner, can install the
plumbing yourself.

A laundry tub is an easy project to install and requires
very few special tools. Followed carefully, these
installation instructions will result in an easy, trouble-free
installation of your Swan Corporation product. Any
deviations, additions, and/or deletions from the
prescribed installation, without prior written approval of
our Customer Relations Department, will void the
warranty covering this product. Not following the
directions could also result in personal injuries, water
damage, and other damage to floors, pipes, walls, and
other portions of your building or home.

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Reeaadd aallll iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ccoom

mpplleetteellyy bbeeffoorree

bbeeggiinnnniinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..

•• C

Chheecckk aallll llooccaall pplluum

mbbiinngg ccooddeess..

•• B

Bee ssuurree ttoo sshhuutt ooffff tthhee w

waatteerr aatt tthhee

ssoouurrccee bbeeffoorree ssttaarrttiinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..


Coonntteennttss ((FFlloooorr M

Moouunntt U


 Laundry Tub
 Four Metal Angular Legs
 Leveling Brackets (Qty 4)
 Flat Head Screws (Qty 4)
 Nuts (Qty 4)


Coonntteennttss ((W

Waallll M

Moouunntt U


 Laundry Tub
 Filler Brackets (Right and Left)
 Filler Bracket Mounting Screw (Qty 2)
 Wall Mounting Plate
 Screws for Wall Mounting Plate (Qty 3 or 6)
 Wall Anchors for Wall Mounting Plate (Qty 3 or 6)


Puurrcchhaasseedd IItteem


 Faucet
 Flexible Hot and Cold Water Supply Lines
 PVC Trap Kit
 PVC Tailpiece
 1/4” x 1-1/2” Tapcon Screws (optional for wall mount

units only - for concrete wall installation)

 Floor Anchors and Bolts (optional)


Reeqquuiirreedd T

Toooollss aanndd S

Saaffeettyy E



 Safety Glasses
 Hearing Protection
 Hammer
 Adjustable Pliers
 Adjustable Wrench
 Phillips Screwdriver
 Flat Blade Screwdriver
 Tape Measure
 Hacksaw (Cutting tail piece to length)
 Level
 Hammer Drill and Carbide Drill Bit (for wall mount

installation into concrete or to fasten the legs to the



The Swan Corporation – Swanstone



General Information