Warning, Installation procedure – Swanstone MF-1W - Installation User Manual
Page 11
Position the top lip of the wall mounting plate on the
mark. Be sure you mark the mounting holes over
the studs/cross-blocks. Use a bubble level to make
sure the wall mounting bracket is level.
Drill a 1/8” pilot hole into the wood and attach the
mounting plate to the wall with at least three 1/4" x
1-1/2" long zinc hex head lag screws. Tighten the
screws with a Phillips screwdriver.
Note: On double bowl models use at least six screws to
attach the wall mounting bracket to the wall.
22bb.. A
Attttaacchhiinngg W
Waallll M
Moouunnttiinngg P
Pllaattee ttoo
Coonnccrreettee oorr B
Blloocckk W
Waallllss w
wiitthh P
Waallll A
There are two methods to install the mounting plate onto
a concrete or block wall; Step 2b) a plastic wall anchor
with a lag screw, or, Step 2c) Tapcon concrete screws.
The tapcon screws for mounting the wall mounting plate
to concrete are not supplied with the product and must
be purchased separately.
Locate the height of the wall mounting plate in the
same manner as with wood construction (Step 2a).
Note: Trial fit the wall mounting plate to the laundry tub.
If the wall mounting plate is too long, break off
the left side of the wall mounting plate by
snapping it along the plate’s scored ridge.
Oversized pilot holes may make it impossible to properly
set the anchor and will reduce the anchor's load (holding)
capacity. This reduced holding capacity can result in the
anchor pulling free from the wall, resulting in possible
personal injury or even death.
Drill a 5/16” pilot hole two inches into the concrete or
block wall using a masonry bit and a hammer drill.
Clean out the hole with a vacuum sweeper.
Note: In concrete block walls do not drill the anchor
holes into the mortar joints. These joints typically
do not have the same holding strength as the
block itself.
The Swan Corporation – Swanstone
Installation Procedure