B&B Electronics ESCLP-100 - Manual User Manual
Page 7

Will other serial ports made by manufacturers other than Quatech be used?
Quatech's device drivers will operate any serial port that appears to be a standard
(legacy) serial port. For these ports, record the port's base address and IRQ.
Quatech's device drivers will not operate third-party multiport serial adapters.
2.2 Install the Files and Add Configurations
1. Copy QCOM.SYS from the installation disk to the \OS2 directory on the boot partition.
Copy QVCOM.SYS from the installation disk to the \OS2\MDOS directory on the boot
partition. These locations are suggestions; you may elect to use other directories if you
like. Do NOT delete the IBM device driver files.
2. Edit the boot partition's CONFIG.SYS. Comment out entries for COM.SYS and
VCOM.SYS, if present, by inserting "REM " at the start of the line. Immediately
following these commented-out entries, or at the end of the CONFIG.SYS file, add
entries for the Quatech device drivers:
DEVICE=d:\path\QCOM.SYS (parameters) ... (parameters)
DEVICE=d:\path\QVCOM.SYS (parameters)
"d:\path" indicates the drive and directory path where the Quatech drivers were copied.
Parameters are discussed below.
3. Save the edited CONFIG.SYS, shutdown the system and reboot.
2.3 QCOM.SYS Parameters
The basic parameters for QCOM.SYS are the same as those for IBM's COM.SYS. Extra
optional parameters have been added for Quatech adapters. All parameters are case-insensitive,
and do not include the quote marks in the descriptions. Parameters not marked optional are
All parameter sets must be enclosed by a pair of parentheses. Global options must reside
outside of any pair of parentheses. There should be no spaces within a pair of parentheses.
There must be at least one space separating each set of parameters.
The format for the parameters depends on the type of serial port being installed. A set of
parameters is needed for each device, with Quatech multiport adapters counting as one device.
Parameter formats are discussed below.
Quatech Asynchronous Serial Device Driver for OS/2