B&B Electronics ESCLP-100 - Manual User Manual
Page 12

2.3.6 All other serial ports (including Quatech "DS" two-port adapters)
Parameter format:
Port number, 1 or 2 decimal digits
The port number. For example, to install a COM9, use "9" or "09".
Base I/O address, 3 or 4 hex digits
The base I/O address for the serial port. For example, to install an internal modem at 3e8 hex, use
"3e8" or "03e8". This value must match the adapter's address settings (using DIP switches on Quatech
Interrupt (IRQ) level, 1 or 2 decimal digits
The hardware interrupt level (2-15) used by the serial port.
Option flags (OPTIONAL --- Use only if needed)
Flags may be placed in any order, separated by commas. Some are mutually exclusive, in which case
the right-most flag will be the one used.
Consecutive spurious interrupt control (mutually exclusive):
"D" = Disable port after 1000 (default), "I" = Ignore, "P" = Post to application
UART selection override control (mutually exclusive):
"F5" = Limit to 16550 mode (16-byte FIFOs)
"F4" = Limit to 16450 mode (no FIFOs)
The driver defaults to 16450 mode and automatically detects a 16550 or 16750 if present. The
override should be used only if the user wishes to limit the FIFO size.
This is a standard serial port as found on a Quatech DS-100 adapter or many other
industry-standard serial port adapters. It is installed as COM1 at the standard base address 3F8
hex on the standard IRQ4.
Quatech Asynchronous Serial Device Driver for OS/2