Low-current i, C serial port operation – Rainbow Electronics DS1342 User Manual

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Low-Current I


C RTCs for High-ESR Crystals





C Serial Port Operation



C Slave Address

The DS1341/DS1342s’ slave address byte is D0h. The
first byte sent to the device includes the device identifier,
device address, and the R/W bit (Figure 5). The device
address sent by the I


C master must match the address

assigned to the device.



C Definitions

The following terminology is commonly used to describe


C data transfers.

Master Device: The master device controls the slave
devices on the bus. The master device generates
SCL clock pulses and START and STOP conditions.
Slave Devices: Slave devices send and receive data
at the master’s request.
Bus Idle or Not Busy: Time between STOP and
START conditions when both SDA and SCL are
inactive and in their logic-high states. When the bus
is idle, it often initiates a low-power mode for slave
START Condition: A START condition is generated
by the master to initiate a new data transfer with a
slave. Transitioning SDA from high to low while SCL
remains high generates a START condition. See
Figure 1 for applicable timing.
STOP Condition: A STOP condition is generated
by the master to end a data transfer with a slave.
Transitioning SDA from low to high while SCL remains
high generates a STOP condition. See Figure 1 for
applicable timing.
Repeated START Condition: The master can use
a repeated START condition at the end of one data
transfer to indicate that it immediately initiates a new
data transfer following the current one. Repeated
STARTs are commonly used during read operations
to identify a specific memory address to begin a data
transfer. A repeated START condition is issued iden-
tically to a normal START condition. See Figure 1 for
applicable timing.

Bit Write: Transitions of SDA must occur during
the low state of SCL. The data on SDA must remain
valid and unchanged during the entire high pulse of
SCL plus the setup and hold time requirements (see
Figure 1). Data is shifted into the device during the
rising edge of the SCL.
Bit Read: At the end of a write operation, the master
must release the SDA bus line for the proper amount
of setup time (see Figure 1) before the next rising
edge of SCL during a bit read. The device shifts out
each bit of data on SDA at the falling edge of the
previous SCL pulse and the data bit is valid at the
rising edge of the current SCL pulse. Remember that
the master generates all SCL clock pulses including
when it is reading bits from the slave.
Acknowledge (ACK and NACK): An acknowledge
(ACK) or not acknowledge (NACK) is always the
ninth bit transmitted during a byte transfer. The
device receiving data (the master during a read or
the slave during a write operation) performs an ACK
by transmitting a 0 during the ninth bit. A device per-
forms a NACK by transmitting a 1 during the ninth bit.
Timing for the ACK and NACK is identical to all other
bit writes. An ACK is the acknowledgment that the
device is properly receiving data. A NACK is used to
terminate a read sequence or as an indication that the
device is not receiving data.
Byte Write: A byte write consists of 8 bits of informa-
tion transferred from the master to the slave (most
significant bit first) plus a 1-bit acknowledgment from
the slave to the master. The 8 bits transmitted by the
master are done according to the bit write definition
and the acknowledgment is read using the bit read
Byte Read: A byte read is an 8-bit information transfer
from the slave to the master plus a 1-bit ACK or NACK
from the master to the slave. The 8 bits of information
that are transferred (most significant bit first) from the
slave to the master are read by the master using the
bit read definition, and the master transmits an ACK
using the bit write definition to receive additional data
bytes. The master must NACK the last byte read to
terminate communication so the slave returns control
of SDA to the master.
Slave Address Byte: Each slave on the I


C bus

responds to a slave address byte sent immediately
following a START condition. The slave address byte
contains the slave address in the most significant 7
bits and the R/W bit in the least significant bit. The

Figure 5. Slave Address Byte