Read_vout (8bh), Read_iout (8ch), Read_temperature_1 (8dh) – Rainbow Electronics MAX34440 User Manual

Page 34: Pmbus_revision (98h), Mfr_id (99h), Mfr_model (9ah), Mfr_revision (9bh), Mfr_location (9ch), Mfr_date (9dh), Mfr_serial (9eh)

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PMBus 6-Channel Power-Supply Manager




The READ_VOUT command returns the actual measured (not commanded) output voltage. READ_VOUT is measured
and updated every 5ms. The 2 data bytes are in DIRECT format.


The READ_IOUT command returns the latest measured current value. READ_IOUT is measured and updated every
200ms. The 2 data bytes are in DIRECT format.


The READ_TEMPERATURE_1 command returns the temperature returned from the temperature sensor.
READ_TEMPERATURE_1 returns 7FFFh if the sensor is faulty and 0000h if the sensor is disabled. READ_TEMPERATURE_1
is measured and updated once a second. The 2 data bytes are in DIRECT format.


The PMBUS_REVISION command returns the revision of the PMBus specification to which the device is compliant. The
command has 1 data byte. Bits [7:4] indicate the revision of PMBus specification Part I to which the device is compli-
ant. Bits [3:0] indicate the revision of PMBus specification Part II to which the device is compliant. This command is
read-only. The PMBUS_REVISION value returned is always 11h, which indicates that it is compliant with Part I Rev 1.1
and Part II Rev 1.1.

MFR_ID (99h)

The MFR_ID command returns the text (ISO/IEC 8859-1) character of the manufacturer’s (Maxim) identification. The
default MFR_ID value is 4Dh (M). This command is read-only.


The MFR_MODEL command returns the text (ISO/IEC 8859-1) character of the device model number. The default
MFR_MODEL value is 51h (Q). This command is read-only.


The MFR_REVISION command returns two text (ISO/IEC 8859-1) characters that contain the device revision numbers
for hardware (upper byte) and firmware (lower byte). The default MFR_REVISION value is 3030h (00). This command
is read-only.


The MFR_LOCATION command loads the device with text (ISO/IEC 8859-1) characters that identify the facility that
manufactures the power supply. The maximum number of characters is 8. This data is written to internal flash using
the STORE_DEFAULT_ALL command. The factory default text string value is 10101010.


The MFR_DATE command loads the device with text (ISO/IEC 8859-1) characters that identify the date of manu-
facture of the power supply. The maximum number of characters is 8. This data is written to internal flash using the
STORE_DEFAULT_ALL command. The factory default text string value is 10101010.


The MFR_SERIAL command loads the device with text (ISO/IEC 8859-1) characters that uniquely identify the device.
The maximum number of characters is 8. This data is written to internal flash using the STORE_DEFAULT_ALL com-
mand. The factory default text string value is 10101010.