9083 functional description, Thru, And discrete aes audio channels – Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9083 HD_SD Frame Sync User Manual

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9083 Functional Description



9083-OM (V4.5)

The router acts as a full audio cross point. Each of the 32 output channels (16
embedded AES, 16 discrete AES) can receive signal from any one of the 40
(16 embedded AES, 16 discrete AES, 8 analog) input channels, four internal
tone generators, or several mixer outputs. Unused output channels can be
mapped to a “Silence” source. Each output also provides gain adjustment and
selectable polarity inversion.

Output audio rates are always 48 kHz locked to output video, but discrete
AES inputs can pass through the sample rate converters to align these inputs
with the output timing. (AES must be nominally 48 kHz input; 32, 44.1, 96,
and 192 kHz inputs are not compatible with the 9083.) The sample rate
converters are disabled by default. Output AES is always precisely
synchronized with the output video. The balanced analog audio input is
sampled at 48 kHz with a +24 dBu clipping level (+24 dBu => 0 dBFS).

As set with the default settings, the routing between embedded audio channels

Embed Ch 1


Embed Ch 16

and discrete AES audio channels



AES Ch 16

is as shown in Figure 1-3. In this mode, the routing is basic 1-to-1

embedding/de-embedding for the 16 embedded and AES discrete audio
channels. Other sources and/or destinations (described below) for each
channel are selected using the card edge controls or a remote control system.


As shown in Figure 1-1, the 9083 is equipped with eight discrete AES input
pair ports and eight discrete AES output pair ports. On Rear I/O Modules hav-
ing limited AES I/O capabilities, switches S11 thru S14 allow available rear
module BNC connectors to be allotted between AES inputs and outputs as
desired. Buffered copies of

AES OUT (1-4)

are available as dedicated outputs

and as respective outputs fed through S11 – S14 on the 9083 card.

Figure 1-3 Default Embed/De-Embed Audio Routing

Embed Ch 1

AES Ch 1

Embedded Audio

Group 1/2

Embed Ch 8

AES Ch 8

Embed Ch 9

AES Ch 9

Embedded Audio

Group 3/4

Embed Ch 16

AES Ch 16

AES Ch 1

AES Audio Out

Pairs 1-4

AES Ch 8

AES Ch 9

AES Audio Out

Pairs 5-8

AES Ch 16