Electronics AC User Manual
Page 9

reading is not within 10%, then the valve driver is defective or not adjusted properly. Be
sure the replacement valve driver is pre-calibrated to the same value as the original
module. If the reading is within 10% of the original valve driver calibration, the valve
driver module is okay but the valve is defective.
5. Motor amps are erratic or unstable.
a. New installations - refer to servo adjustments.
b. Old installations - machine worked fine until recently.
i. Check shot for cleanliness (dust, oil, and water).
ii. Check shot for obstructions.
iii. Check shot hopper, is it low or out of shot?
iv. Do not adjust servo adjustments.
v. Check for worn wheel blades or worn control cage.
vi. Check valve driver module and MagnaValve® current.
vii. Call the factory for advice.
: This category is the most challenging to trouble shoot. We have found that shot
cleanliness and foreign objects are usually responsible. Items such as: wire (from identifi-
cation tags), welding rod, nuts and bolts from machine or screen separators, masking
tape, razor blades, milk cartons, cigarette butts, etc., seem to find their way to the valve.
6. Calibration Accuracy at low and high amps
If the amperage on the digital display matches the actual motor current at a low setting but
not at a higher setting, compare the motor amps with a clamp-on type ammeter to the cur-
rent transformer output. If it is not proportional then the wire size for the current loop is too
small and must be increased. Up to 5-foot long wire loops can use 16 AWG wire. Longer
runs should use 14 AWG or 12 AWG wire.
7. Technical Support
If you cannot achieve expected high motor amperage or the system “just isn’t right”, then
perform the following profile before calling for technical support. This procedure will pro-
vide the information needed for corrective action.
i. Place the Servo switch “off” in the manual mode.
ii. Use the Display Toggle switch to set the setpoints in the following table.
iii. Read and record the amperage reading for each of the above setpoints.